The global warming you will know according to your age and the scenarios

The global warming you will experience according to your age

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If global warming appears to many as a future and distant threat, a German engineer decided to prove that rising temperatures would impact all human beings currently alive. ” How hot will it be in your lifetime? is the title of this eloquent infographic created by Hans Hack. It simply allows you to visualize at a glanceeye the warming that each of us will experience using climate data from a study by Raftery et al., published in Natureand the data on thelife expectancy in Germany: the result shows the most probable scenario that we will experience according to our age and theevolution of global temperatures planned until 2100.

Today’s children will experience a 3°C rise

Those over 60 are expected to experience an increase of 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels, knowing that the Earth’s temperature has already increased by 1.2°C since the same time: seniors will therefore experience 0, 3°C higher. People in their 30s and 40s are expected to face a 2°C rise, and 20- to 29-year-olds are likely to experience a 2.5°C rise in their lifetime. The youngest generation, those born after 2012 (children currently aged 0 to 9) will certainly face a rise of 3°C. So, 1, 2 or 3°C more, what difference? For each half-degree gained, there are more risk of heat wavesof droughtsforest fires and episodes of precipitation intense that may occur according to the IPCC.

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