The giant Apple targeted by an investigation in France for planned obsolescence

The giant Apple targeted by an investigation in France for

French justice has been investigating Apple since December 2022, we learned on Monday, May 15. The American tech behemoth is the target of an investigation for deceptive commercial practices and planned obsolescence, said the Paris prosecutor’s office.

At the origin of this investigation, there is this complaint filed in December 2022 by the association “Halte à l’obsolescence programmed”, which opposes this technique of manufacturers which aims to deliberately limit the life of a product in time. After five years, for example, your telephone works less well, it is more difficult to repair, you buy another one… and the company reaps a profit.

It is with this technique thatApple would make it almost impossible to repair your phone after several years of use. And this is what the association denounces. In a press release, she assures: rejoicing to learn of the opening of an investigation “. It calls on the manufacturer to guarantee the right to repairability of its mobile phones and also insists on the ecological aspect: using your phone for one more year, rather than buying another, reduces the ecological footprint by 25%.

This is not the first time that Apple has been in the sights of justice in France. In 2020, the company was fined 25 million euros for misleading commercial practice.
