The ghosts of Emmanuel Macron five years after the yellow vests – L’Express

The ghosts of Emmanuel Macron five years after the yellow

In this series, La Loupe met those who were closest to this movement: police officer, trade unionist, journalist, mayor, deputy, magistrate… They began their careers with many ideals, but what about five years later ? Today, Erwan Bruckert, deputy editor-in-chief of the Politics department of L’Express, tells us how the President of the Republic was marked by this unprecedented mobilization.

READ ALSO >>Emmanuel Macron, the yellow vests and his ghosts: our great story


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The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation and writing), Léa Bertrand (editing), and Jules Krot (production).

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon / Studio Torrent


Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain / Benjamin Chazal

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Charlotte Baris: For more than a month, you have heard the stories of this long mobilization of yellow vests, as it was experienced by young police officers, mayors, deputies, journalists and magistrates. Strong testimonies in which one name came up regularly: Emmanuel Macron.

When he was elected in May 2017, the President of the Republic was only 39 years old. He has never been a candidate in any election, but his position as Minister of the Economy under François Hollande gave him significant visibility. Even before entering the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron intends to revolutionize the political system.

But as for the five people whose story you heard, the yellow vest movement completely disrupted the exercise of his young role as president. In this episode, we tell you how Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term changed in November 2018, and the influence that these months of demonstrations still have today on his method…

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