The German press wrote! Radio records of civilian massacre in Buça revealed

The German press wrote Radio records of civilian massacre in

The images of the soldiers withdrawing from the Ukrainian city of Bucha, killing civilians just before, froze the blood of the whole world. While the echoes of the atrocities continued, the German magazine Der Spiegel claimed that the Russian soldiers were talking to each other over this atrocity on the radio.

The magazine, based on the German Foreign Intelligence Service (BND), claimed that the BND recorded the radio traffic of Russian soldiers and that one soldier told the other that he had shot a cyclist in Buça.

In another radio recording, it was argued that one person said, “Question the soldiers first, then shoot them”.

It was emphasized that the BND records showed that the atrocities in Buça were neither accidental nor the individual actions of the soldiers who went out of control.

In the radio recordings, it was reported that the soldiers talked about the brutality and their daily lives.

In the news, it was noted that the speeches of the Russian soldiers coincided with the photograph taken in Bucha. (AA)

