Generation Z is looking for a job, but experiences one cancellation after another – and not only in professional life, but also in dating.
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Why is Generation Z so lonely? The term “loneliness” describes the feeling that people feel when they have a deviation between the social relationships they want for themselves and the actual relationships.
According to the online magazine Business Insider, the dating platform “Hain” last year interviewed 15,000 people about their dating views and found that 90 % of Generation Z would like to find love. In addition, the survey resulted in that 44 % of the Genz representatives surveyed have little or no dating experience.
In Generation Z there is a great discrepancy of 46 % between people who are looking for a relationship and people who actually have dating experience-even though apps such as there and Tinder theoretically enable different people in large numbers.
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What is the constant rejection? Business insiders’ colleagues have presented various fates from Generation Z, which show what experiences the generation has when looking for a job.
For example, a 24-year-old with a conclusion in finance applied for around 600 jobs before finding a job. A 23-year-old wrote about 300 applications and is still looking.
Affected people also report on Reddit of similar experiences. A user received only one job offer in 9 months and 300 applications, another achieved the same result in 6 months and 1,200 applications. A third user is currently in 800 applications.
What do those affected say about the cancellations? A problem described is the lack of feedback from companies. Sometimes the applicants never get an official cancellation and if they do, a reason is rarely mentioned, which is why it was not enough. This unsettles those affected.
Of course, they are sorry for the constant cancellations and cannot explain the rejections. Some have really good, high -quality degrees and have important networks within the respective industry before setting. Overall, the generation is considered to be very well trained: Generation Z is the best -trained generation of history: Unfortunately, it is also the most overqualified on the labor market