The future queen of Spain turned 18 and took the oath – “Leonormania” took over Madrid

The future queen of Spain turned 18 and took the

Princess Leonor is currently studying at a military academy, like her father.

The streets of Madrid, the capital of Spain, were today filled with citizens waving red and yellow Spanish flags, as the country’s future queen Leonor drove across town to Parliament House.

King of Felipe VI and the queen Letizia the firstborn has turned 18 years old. It is a tradition in Spain that the future ruler who has reached this age is sworn in by the country’s parliament.

Leonor gave a brief but solemn declaration in Parliament, identical in wording to the one her father had made in 1986.

Later, the ceremony continued at the Royal Palace in Madrid, where Crown Princess Leonor also gave a speech.

– From now on, my duty is to serve all Spaniards with respect and obedience, he said.

Spain’s most popular royal

Leonor de Borbón Ortiz has become the most popular representative of the Spanish royal house.

The Royal House has been hit by many scandals in recent years. Because of them, Leonor’s grandfather, who gave up power in 2014 Juan Carlos living in exile in the United Arab Emirates.

Among the people as a whole, the attitude towards the royal house is contradictory. There are many supporters of the republic in the country. Therefore, some leading politicians did not attend Leonor’s ceremony in Parliament.

There have also been no polls about the monarchy’s popularity in eight years. Despite this, the streets of Madrid were full of people who had come to see the princess.

According to the Spanish media, Leonor has become the most popular royal, even overtaking her father. Leonor is considered to be taking the royal house in a modern direction, which is what the people wish for. Even “Leonormania” who admires him rises among the people.

The princess started her military studies this year, following in her father’s footsteps. So far, he has not given any public interviews.

Leonora is considered a very suitable person to be a ruler. She seems to have embraced the role of future queen. He behaves impeccably and kindly. She has also gained experience for her future duties at the ceremonies of the foundation bearing her honorary name, the Princess of Asturias Foundation.

Sources: AP, Reuters
