The future in question of “Jamanak”, the historic daily of the Armenians of Turkey

The future in question of Jamanak the historic daily of

Direct air links are due to resume on February 2, 2022, between Istanbul and Yerevan. Turkey and Armenia, these two states which have no diplomatic relations and a common border closed for almost 30 years, present these charter flights as the first step in a resumption of dialogue. This good news comes at a time when the historic daily newspaper of the Armenians of Turkey, Jamanak, is threatened with closure. The history of this historic newspaper traced by Anne Andlauer.

Europeans facing the crisis between Ukraine and Russia: in parallel with the work of diplomats to avoid an open conflict, military efforts continue. The French army should transfer troops to eastern Europe, in Romania. This would be a first, within the framework of NATO’s enhanced forward presence. The explanations of Benjamin Riboud.

London’s finances in the red

The city’s finances London are being hit hard by the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. Reduction of the municipal budget, reduction of his own salary, relocation of the town hall: the mayor of the British capital, Sadiq Khan, multiplies the decisions to try to keep the city afloat. A report by Marie Billon.

“Partygate” in London: Sue Gray, fearsome and dreaded

Sue Gray is the senior civil servant in charge of the investigation into “Partygate”, these alcoholic parties organized at 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the Prime Minister British, while the country was in full containment. Sue Gray, a formidable and feared investigator, could have Boris Johnson’s political future in her hands. His signed portrait Daniel Vallot.

After a few weeks of calm, the activity of theEtna, in Sicily, picks up a little. But after each eruption of the Sicilian volcano, it is necessary to clean the streets, covered with a thick layer of ash and for the local elected officials, this cleaning is far too expensive. Several municipalities find themselves in bankruptcy. The details of Cecile Debarge.
