the future electoral law in the crosshairs of civil society

Gabon a parliamentary re entry under scrutiny two months after the

In Gabon, civil society is sounding the alarm. On Saturday, several civil society actors and parliamentarians organized a consultation meeting after which they noted a lack of transparency in the development of the future electoral law by the Minister of the Interior. The inclusive national dialogue held last April decided to hand over to the Ministry of the Interior the prerogatives of organizing elections in Gabon. Civil society wants all the safeguards provided for this purpose to be respected to avoid making the Ministry of the Interior a fraud machine.

1 min

with our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

Deputy for the transition, Marcel Libama is participating in the process initiated by civil society to denounce the desire of the Minister of the Interior to have the electoral code adopted before the new Constitution.

The timeline for the transition is clear: the discussion on the electoral code will take place in January, after the referendum which will adopt the Constitution! Because we must not forget that it is the Constitution which sets the political regime...”, recalls Marcel LIbama.

Civil society recalls that it was the poorly organized elections which were at the origin of the coup d’état of August 30. She recommends that the Minister of the Interior stop making solitary decisions.

We are simply saying that the electoral law must comply with the recommendations of the last inclusive dialogue which recalls that from now on the elections will be organized by the Ministry of the Interior, civil society organizations, experts and religious people. “, underlinesGeorges Mpaga, president of the National Council of Civil Society.

Tomorrow Monday, Hermann Immongault, Minister of the Interior will be before the deputies to defend his bill. The debates promise to be heated.
