The future commander of the Estonian Defense Forces: The war must be able to be taken to the territory of Russia | Foreign countries

The future commander of the Estonian Defense Forces The war

Ukraine must be given the authority to strike Western weapons on Russian soil as well, says Brigadier General Andrus Merilo in an interview with .

TALLINN – It is likely that it will happen sooner rather than later.

This is how the future commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, recently promoted to brigadier general Andrus Merilo Assesses Russia’s possible military confrontation with the West.

During the beginning of the year, warnings were issued all over Europe about Russia’s attack on places other than Ukraine. Estimates of how long the West has time to prepare have varied from a few years to a decade.

According to Merilo, time estimates are pointless.

– Russia does not give us any preparation time with Guarantee. We must be able to repel an attack as soon as it happens, he says.

The restriction imposed by Western countries was a mistake

Merilo emphasizes the decisive importance of the first battle. One of the lessons of the war in Ukraine is that the first wave of Russian aggression must be stopped.

– You have to resist, even if the attacker is stronger and mightier.

Another piece of wisdom related to Russian bellicosity comes from the early days of the Republic of Estonia.

– Even then, our lesson was that as soon as Russia attacks, the war must be taken to its territory. Otherwise we lose it. This rule still applies, states Merilo.

Therefore, according to him, the Western countries have made a mistake by limiting the use of the weapons they donated only to the soil of Ukraine.

– In addition to weapons, the Ukrainians must also be given the authority to use those weapons in the manner necessary to subdue Russia, the brigadier general emphasizes.

Andrus Merilo

Brigadier General Andrus Merilo will start as commander of the Estonian Defense Forces at the beginning of July. He currently commands the 1st Infantry Brigade.

50-year-old Merilo has trained as an officer in Finland. He attended the reserve officer course in the guerilla line in 1998 and studied in the 85th cadet course at the Cadet School in 1998–2002.

Has been in the service of the Estonian Defense Forces since 1995. Andrus Merilo has combat experience from both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

Served in peacekeeping missions in South Lebanon and Kosovo.

Brigadier General Merilo is surprised by the passivity of many Western countries in helping Ukraine.

– Support for Ukraine should return to last year’s level. It would restore the defense capabilities of the Ukrainians and create the conditions for a new counterattack.

– The current passivity is a problem and seems a bit incomprehensible. However, I think it’s about a lack of will, not a lack of weapons or equipment, Merilo downloads.

Drone combat is part of conscript training

The Estonian Defense Forces is constantly developing its operations based on the experiences of the war in Ukraine. The most revolutionary thing in the war has been the use of drones. In Estonia, it has become an essential part of conscript service, says Merilo.

– We have been teaching how to combat drones even before the war in Ukraine, now we are doing it more intensively. The training also includes the use of Drones to destroy the enemy.

Some of the projects that have been pending in Estonia for a long time have gained momentum due to the Russian war of aggression. Among the new weapon systems to be acquired, Merilo mentions medium-range air defense.

– It will be acquired and integrated into NATO air defense in the near future.

The brigadier general, who trained as an officer in Finland, fondly remembers the days of the reserve officer course and the cadet course.

– The most important lesson I took from Finland was that even if you have a huge and brutal neighbor, you must always be ready to defend yourself. If you are, the enemy will not attack because they know they will lose, says Merilo.
