This is tradition: between January and March, life insurers communicate the performance served on their funds in euros for the past year. This guaranteed support, popular with savers, should bring in an average of 2.6 % for 2024, before puncture of social security contributions (17.2 %). “And the yield should remain comparable in 2025,” anticipates Philippe Crevel, director of the Cercle de l’Epargne.
However, it is possible to find much better than this figure, in particular by turning to the funds in euros of recent creation which have not undergone the tumble of interest rates of the last decade. In addition, “insurance companies will continue to offer return bonuses on the fund in euros, around 1.5 % to 2 %, in order to encourage savers to subscribe, notes Cyrille Chartier-Kastler, founder of the Good Value For Money site. They will thus be able to continue to invest in bonds whose yield remains fairly high.” Please note: these bonuses generally apply to new payments on the fund in euros and are often subject to an imperative condition: devote part of your savings to units of account, less secure.
Here are five contracts offering a particularly generous euro fund.
Life-based amplifier (mutual amplifier)
Amplifier-amplique Vie is a 100 % euros contract launched in 2023 to take advantage of the rise in bond interest rates the previous year. Its fund in euros reported 3.75 % in 2024, as in 2023. It is necessary to pay at least 5,000 euros at the opening. The contract does not provide for payment fees. Management costs are among the lowest on the market, at 0.5 %. Mutual amplifier is intended exclusively for liberal professions and independents.
Boursovia (Boursobank)
The EURO exclusive euro fund for this multi -support contract displays a yield of 3 % in 2024, after 3.1 % in 2023. A rate at the top of the market range for this contract provided by Generali, without entry fees and at reasonable management costs (0.75 % on all supports). Boursovia is accessible from 300 euros and gives access to 600 account units for savers wishing to diversify their investments. It is possible to opt for a controlled management service ensured, as desired, by Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management or Sycomore Asset Management.
Epargne Free Multisupport (MIF) account
The Euros Fund of the Mutual Ivry La Fraternelle served 3.35 % in 2024 after 3.05 % in 2023. “Mutuals display higher yields because they generally invest in more remunerative assets than bancassurers for technical reasons,” explains Cyrille Chartier-Kastler. Their operating cost is also lower. In free management, the contract provides costs on payment of 2 % on the fund in euros or 0 % if the investment also has 30 % of account units. Management costs are 0.6 %. The contract offers around thirty account units.
EURO + placement (
Launched in 2023, this Monosupport life insurance contract, provided by Swisslife, served 4.1 % on its fund in euros in 2023 and 3.60 % in 2024. “It is part of this new generation of recent euros funds which invest in bonds newly issued at rates far superior to stocks in portfolio in historical euros”, specifies Cyrille Chartier-Kastler. EURO + Placement Direct is not subject to entry fees and its management fees are competitive at 0.6 %. The contract is accessible from 500 euros.
Life insurance plan (Crédit Mutuel)
The fund in euros of this contract served between 2.6 % and 3.1 % according to the bonus in 2023 and in 2024. An average level, but which nevertheless presents some advantages. “Bancassurers are not the most generous, but they benefit from important reserves allowing them, if necessary, to amortize market shocks,” notes Cyrille Chartier-Kastler. These reservations can indeed be mobilized to boost the return of the fund in euros if necessary. Life insurance plan is accessible from 50 euros at the opening. Allow 1 % of costs on payment. Management costs are between 0.65 and 0.75 %, depending on the offer chosen.