This week, Thibault Marotte, journalist in the Economy department of L’Express, and Muriel Breiman, deputy editor-in-chief, decipher the serious housing crisis that France must face.
The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation), Mathias Penguilly (writing), Jules Krot (editing and production).
Credits: BFM TV, BFM Business, France Culture, France 2, RMC, TF1
Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon / Studio Torrent
Image credits: PASCAL PAVANI / AFP
Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain / Benjamin Chazal
How to listen to a podcast? Follow the leader.
Charlotte Baris: At La Loupe, we have given ourselves the mission of deciphering the mechanisms behind each of the crises that drive our country. Whether it is the outbreak of anti-Semitism in France, global warming, the consequences of which we are seeing more and more each day, or the explosion in fuel prices.
A few weeks ago, we offered you an episode on this subject: Béatrice Mathieu, senior reporter at L’Express, explained to us that the share of gasoline in the budget of French households had fallen over the last 50 years, contrary to what one might believe by listening to our politicians.
According to her, the real crisis lies elsewhere: housing. This housing crisis is not new. She went under the radar for several years. A latent crisis that has become impossible to ignore. The journalists from L’Express decided to tackle it, and it is therefore to the question of housing that the magazine dedicated its cover this week…
Cover of L’Express
© / Laurent Duvoux/Walkie Talkie
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