the front page of L’Express in La Loupe – L’Express

1718600370 the front page of LExpress in La Loupe – LExpress

In this new episode of La Loupe, Eric Chol, the editorial director, and Eric Mandonnet, the head of the political department of L’Express, tell us what options are now available to Emmanuel Macron.

READ ALSO: “It’s catastrophic”: major health projects put on hold before the legislative elections


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The team: Charlotte Baris (writing and presentation), Miléna Rossi (editing), Jules Krot (directing)

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Ludovic Marin/AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

How to listen to a podcast? follow the leader.

Charlotte Baris: For the past week, not a day has gone by without an announcement of a rally or alliance. The program presentations have begun, the teams are hard at work and the town halls are getting organized… In short, a new electoral campaign has been launched.

And only twenty days separate the announcement of the dissolution and the first round of legislative elections, on June 30. Twenty days to which L’Express has decided to dedicate its new issue. Jordan Bardella’s strategy, the discussions on the left, but above all Emmanuel Macron’s plan for the month of June… In the head of the President of the Republic, these are all the voting scenarios which will unfold during these few weeks and this These are the options we are reviewing at La Loupe today.

For further :

The RN in power? What we learn from countries governed by populism

Immigration, Ukraine, ministers, appointments… In the event of Macron-Bardella cohabitation, who would have control?

Thibault Muzergues: “Emmanuel Macron may be interested in cohabitation with the RN…”

Will Edouard Philippe survive the dissolution (and Macron)? “Now the punching bag responds”

On June 9, we plunged into a dizzying unknown, by Anne Rosencher
