the front page of L’Express in La Loupe – L’Express

the front page of LExpress in La Loupe – LExpress

This week, we go behind the scenes of French diplomacy. Since the attacks of October 7, eight months have passed. Eight months of intense negotiations for ministers, ambassadors and especially for the President of the Republic. Story with Emilie Lanez, senior reporter at L’Express.

READ ALSO: Behind the scenes of Macron’s diplomacy: ambassadorial slinging, false passports and “crab traps”


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The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation and writing), Jules Krot (editing and direction)

Credits: Euronews, France 24, RTL, Europe 1

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Ludovic MARIN/AFP

How to listen to a podcast? follow the leader.

Charlotte Baris: In February 2023, a year after the invasion of Ukraine, we told you about Emmanuel Macron’s diplomatic year. The President of the Republic’s phone calls with his Ukrainian and Russian counterparts, meetings with European leaders and negotiations with the United States.

Since then, the war in Ukraine has continued and the attacks of October 7 set the Middle East ablaze, leaving no respite for French diplomacy. So in recent months, Emmanuel Macron has been traveling more than ever. But he also receives a large number of leaders.

This week, L’Express has therefore decided to go behind the scenes of French diplomacy and reveal to you the secrets of the last eight months. Enough to understand France’s place in international discussions and especially the diplomatic mission that Emmanuel Macron has given himself.

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© / Yann Legendre

For further

Emmanuel Macron, lonely and misunderstood diplomat: “He did not take our advice into account…”

EXCLUSIVE. Emmanuel Macron: “Total has never had to complain about being French”

The ex-Mossad agent who predicted October 7: “No Israeli leader wanted to believe it”

Matthew Levitt: “For Hamas, October 7 did not go as planned…”
