The frightening coronavirus statement from the World Health Organization! ‘Continues to be a global health emergency’

The frightening coronavirus statement from the World Health Organization Continues

The World Health Organization (WHO) made statements about the Covid-19 outbreak. In the statement made by the WHO’s Emergency Committee, which is composed of independent experts, it was stated that Covid-19 still continues to be a global health emergency since the WHO declared “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” on January 30, 2020. .


Noting that the Covid-19 epidemic still means an emergency due to increasing cases, the ongoing viral evolution and the ongoing pressure on health services in some countries, the Committee said that the cases reported to WHO in the last two weeks have increased by 30 percent, but that the increased population immunity largely due to vaccines. He stated that it reduced hospitalizations and loss of life.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a virtual press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, using the expressions “Covid-19 did not end anywhere,” and said, “As the virus is coming towards us, we must push it back.”

While 561 million 978 thousand 768 Covid-19 cases were detected worldwide, 6 million 375 thousand 51 people died due to the virus.

