The French rely on sport and sleep to improve their well-being

The French rely on sport and sleep to improve their

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    While economic and political challenges weigh on the morale of the French, a recent study reveals that physical activity, sleep, and taking a step back from the news are the main strategies adopted to improve their well-being. The link between mental and physical health is strengthening, with increasing sports practices and increasing attention paid to the quality of rest.

    The French, faced with a difficult economic context and a tense political environment, are actively seeking ways to improve their well-being. According to a study conducted by Edelman Data & Intelligence at the request of lululemon*, numerous strategies are being implemented, including a focus on physical activity and improving mental health.

    The French pay more attention to themselves

    In 2024, 70% of French people practice as many or more outdoor sports as in 2023, favoring activities such as cycling, swimming, running or football. This increase in physical activity contributed to an overall improvement in well-being of 16%. Furthermore, nearly 60% of people continue to practice indoor sports, with an 8% gain in their general well-being. Interestingly, around a third of respondents prefer team sports, considering them more beneficial for their well-being than individual sports.

    The study shows that 75% of French people believe that mental health is inseparable from physical health, and vice versa (79%). Simply moving regularly improves their psychological well-being by 20%.

    Another key point of this research: sleep. Four out of five French people (81%) now attach more importance to their rest than a year ago. They are aware that lack of sleep is a major factor in psychological exhaustion, and 25% admit to not getting enough sleep. Efforts to improve sleep quality saw a 16% increase in overall well-being.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    Take a step back from the news

    In an environment where certain political and economic issues are sources of concern for 58% of French people, many choose to focus on local actions and their community. Nearly 46% of those surveyed prefer to act on their own scale to fight against mental exhaustion, rather than getting involved in global causes. In fact, 42% say they have taken a step back from the news to preserve their well-being. Because for seven out of ten French people, the current political context, whether national or local, is a source of psychological exhaustion. For example, 42% are worried about their finances due to the purchasing power crisis.

    *This report was produced online by Edelman Data & Intelligence (DXI) at the request of lululemon, from April 22 to May 30, 2024 with a sample of 1,000 people in France, representative of the general population in terms of age , gender and income.
