The French president receives the Gabonese transitional president to talk about “forests” and democracy

The French president receives the Gabonese transitional president to talk

While the president of the Gabonese transition is visiting France, Brice Oligui Nguema was received on Friday May 31 at the Élysée Palace by the French head of state Emmanuel Macron. According to a press release from the two presidencies, the two men “ raised a number of issues of common interest “, especially environmental issues, including a ” forest partnership “.

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According to the joint press release, environmental issues were mainly discussed. This with a commitment to “ a forestry partnership » as a continuation, according to the two presidents, of the efforts that resulted from the One Forest Summit.

This international meeting, dedicated to the protection of forests and especially that of the Congo Basin, one of the lungs of the planet, was held in March 2023 in Libreville. Ali Bongo was then still president and on this occasion he received Emmanuel Macron for his first official visit to Gabon.

During this interview at the Élysée, the heads of state also discussed the Franco-Gabonese forum which was held Thursday May 30 in Paris : more than a billion euros in contracts have been signed there. Finally, the two men talked about defense, security, regional issues and above all “ progress in the Gabonese transition and the next steps towards a return to constitutional order, following the national dialogue. » This nine months after the putsch which ended 55 years of the Bongo family dynasty.

General Oligui promised a return of power to civilians in 2025, after elections “ free and transparent “. He launched an Inclusive National Dialogue (DNI) at the beginning of April to prepare for these deadlines. This commitment to a return of power to civilians in two years is well received by Gabon’s international partners.

This Saturday, June 1, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema must meet the diaspora. The last part of the visit, Sunday June 2, will be memorial: in Picardy, north of Paris, it will pay tribute to the riflemen taken prisoner and murdered by the Nazis in June 1940.
