The French political situation invades the media space

The French political situation invades the media space

The situation of the French media following the dissolution of the National Assembly. With an increasingly clear polarization: for or against the coming to power of the National Rally. A scenario worthy of a series

Listen, imagine a series with a founding event, a dissolution, the rallying to the extreme right of a party leader of the traditional right who locks himself in his office while his barons disavow him, a flashback where he goes to lunch with a billionaire who calls for the right to unite to take power, the media of the same billionaire who turn into activists and shell the alternative on the left by calling it “anti-Semitic”.

We could call this series Fever, if it didn’t already exist, but it’s the name of a series on Canal+ by Eric Benzechri which tells how the far right arrives at the gates of power following an incident which triggers accusations of anti-racism white, cleverly orchestrated on social networks.

On April 5, Delphine Ernottethe president of France Télévisions, herself cited this series, evoking its “ real concern ” in front ” the expansion of subjects which are in the debate and suddenly take up all the democratic space “. She then thought of foreign interference as we saw with the blue Stars of David intended to stir up hatred.

According to you, “fever” is what has taken over debates and screens in recent days

Marie Toussaintthe unfortunate environmentalist candidate, declared “ I underestimated the strength of TikTok “. She was referring to the way in which young people were exposed, through the TikTok algorithm, to many more videos tending to polarize them on the side of the RN such as images of urban violence, than to mobilize them in the face of the emergency climatic.

With this paradox: the less we experience this violence in our reality, far from the metropolis, the more we are inclined to see in it a reality that the social network amplifies. As the journalists are essentially Parisians, they underestimate these phenomena. Those who have understood how to benefit from it are the Bolloré media: CNews, C8, Europe 1 or the JDD. Just as they had overexploited the tragedy of Crépol, this 16-year-old boy killed at a ball in Drôme, victim of alleged anti-white racism, they hysterized the public debate by accusing the new Popular Front, through its component LFI, of being “anti-Semitic” and even “negationist”.

Point And Le Figaro – which calls for talking about “ radical right » and not far right – are increasingly on this line. At Worldhas Release and/or in public broadcasting, we try to keep the right distance, but we also hear about “ fascism » or “ anti-fascist struggle… » After “the fever”, the series should not turn into a conflagration.
