the French more seduced by Glucksmann than by Hayer

the French more seduced by Glucksmann than by Hayer

The race is tight between Valérie Hayer and Raphaël Glucksmann in the European election poll results. But among the French, the left-wing candidate supplants the head of the presidential camp’s list.

Two leading candidates in the European elections are neck and neck in the poll results. It is not for first place, occupied by the National Rally list and still out of reach, that they are fighting, but rather for second place on the podium. If the fight is close, it is still the candidate of the presidential majority, Valérie Hayer, who holds the rope against Raphaël Glucksmann. But with only a few points ahead, between four and one according to surveys, the candidate of the Socialist Party and Place Publique can still catch up with his competitor.

Especially since Raphaël Glucksmann enjoys good momentum and continues to progress in the poll results, while Valérie Hayer tends to stagnate in voting intentions, or even lose momentum. The MEP candidate for the presidential majority is holding on to between 16 and 17% of voting intentions and the left-wing candidate is hot on her heels with a score of between 13 and 14%.

But if Valérie Hayer still has the advantage in the poll results, it is Raphaël Glucksmann who is most appreciated by the French. The PS-Place publique candidate is already better known to voters than his competitor, but he is also more popular according to the latest barometer produced by Harris Interactive for Challenges, M6 And RTL : 26% of voters have a good opinion of Raphaël Glucksmann, compared to 21% for the candidate chosen by Emmanuel Macron. The two heads of the list are, however, tied regarding the rate of bad opinion: 34% of voters do not say they are convinced by the left-wing candidate, 33% by the leader of the majority.

Glucksmann or the most “honest” candidate for the French

When asked about what they think of the candidates for the European elections, the French are even more receptive to the profile of Raphaël Glucksmann. The man is even considered, with Jordan Bardella, as one of the most likeable candidates with 53% of favorable opinions among voters who say they know him. Valérie Hayer comes just after being judged “likeable” by 47% of voters who know her. For all the other qualities tested, Raphaël Glucksmann arrives ahead of his competitor: he is judged “competent” by more voters and they are also more numerous to consider the candidate “capable of keeping his commitments”, able to “understand the concerns of the French” and to “represent France in the European Parliament”.

The Socialist Party candidate is also systematically second, behind Jordan Bardella, in the opinion of voters. He is even ahead of the representative of the far-right party in the area of ​​honesty, a sign that Raphaël Glucksmann inspires confidence in a significant part of the electorate.

Valérie Hayer is not as well seen among voters who know her, since in addition to coming after Jordan Bardella and Raphaël Glucksmann, she is sometimes ahead of the Reconquête candidate, Marion Maréchal, particularly in terms of courage, dynamism and the ability to understand the concerns of the French. Concerning “skills”, the French believe that the Macronist candidate is on par with Marion Maréchal and François Xavier-Bellamy. However, the two candidates are not among the favorites. It remains to be seen whether Raphaël Glucksmann’s greater popularity and better image will be reflected in the results of the European elections on June 9.
