the Fox News channel in court for its treatment of the 2020 presidential election

the Fox News channel in court for its treatment of

Fox News, the favorite channel of American conservatives is in turmoil. American justice has just announced it: this television will be judged from April 17 for defamation. In question: his treatment of the American presidential election in 2020. The channel, a real nugget of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, then affirmed on the air that the election had been “ stolen by Joe Biden, by means of electronic votes, without really believing the accusations made by Donald Trump.

It’s easier to get great audiences when you give your audience something they want to hear “. It is this kind of exchange between presenters of the Fox News channel that was revealed by the judicial inquiry. In November 2020, the channel relayed accusations that Joe Biden’s election had been stolen using electronic votes. Notably via Dominion brand voting machines. The company then filed a defamation suit, claiming $1.6 billion.


For American justice, it is ” clear that no accusation of fraud against the Dominion company during this election is founded “. Channel boss Rupert Murdoch himself admitted in a deposition that some of his presenters echoed Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election.


The investigators also showed that star presenters of the channel were skeptical, in private, about an alleged manipulation. This did not prevent them from giving the air to conspiratorial guests, without contradicting them. Fox News, sued for defamation, invokes the First Amendment of the American Constitution, which protects the freedom of the media.

Read also : Murdoch Acknowledges Fox News Anchors Endorsed Trump’s False Accusations
