The foundry is empty: “Costs have increased – we cannot finance this”

Almost eight years ago, the municipality signed a letter of intent, stating that Grafikens hus would move into the foundry. But on Wednesday the message came from the municipality that Grafikens hus is not allowed to move into the foundry.

Multi-year preparations

Nina Beckmann, museum director at Grafikens hus, is disappointed by the municipality’s turn of events.

– There are many of us who have worked hard to realize this. We have had a variety of art projects and programs in Södertälje during these years, and conducted mobile operations, but the goal has always been to open in our own premises, says Nina Beckmann.

Hear Eva Pedersen-Wallin (S), chairman of the cultural and leisure committee in Södertälje, explain why the municipality cannot keep its promise, and how she sees the municipality spending 60 million on renovating the premises.
