The former president of the National Assembly of Mali slams the door of the late IBK RPM

The former president of the National Assembly of Mali slams

The political heirs of former Malian President IBK are tearing themselves apart. His party, the Rally for Mali (RPM), is now divided into two camps. this Thursday in Bamako to create a political movement with his supporters.

With our correspondent in Cotonou,Serge Daniel

It was in front of his supporters in Bamako that Moussa Timbiné, former president of the National Assembly of Mali, announced his departure from the Rassemblement pour le Mali (RPM). “ Today, the report is bitter: the general deterioration of the situation of the party, the establishment of a feeling of confusion and doubt arouses hesitation in the minds of the militants to continue to militate in a party without clear perspective. “, did he declare.

For him, the current leadership of the party created by former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, victim of a coup in August 2020 and who died almost a year ago, is in a ” sterile opposition ” on a diet. Does he want to throw himself into the arms of the military in power? Moussa Timbiné does not clearly answer the question. But in the wake of his resignation from the party and those of some of his supporters, he launched a political movement, “Convergence 2023”, before the upcoming creation of a new political formation.
