The former president of the EU Commission, Jacques Delors, has died | Foreign countries

The former president of the EU Commission Jacques Delors has

The Delors EU Commission approved Finland’s EU membership in 1995.

Former President of the EU Commission Jacques Delors has died at the age of 98, Delors’ daughter tells the news agency AFP. Delors was born in 1925. According to the daughter, Delors died while sleeping at home.

Delors served as president of the EU Commission for two consecutive terms from 1985 to 1995. During his commission, the EU implemented internal market regulations. He was one of the most significant advocates of the EU’s internal market and the single currency, the euro.

During Delors’ tenure, the European Union expanded by 5 countries into a union of 15 states. His commission approved, among others, the EU membership of Finland, Sweden and Austria.

During his term in 1992, the important Maastricht Treaty was also concluded, with which the European Community became the European Union.

Delors, a Frenchman, also served as the French Minister of Finance, among other things.

After his commission career, Delors was expected to run for the French presidency. His support was solid, but Delors ended up leaving politics aside.

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