The forest in Gnesta divides politicians

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In recent years, the municipality’s outdoor area Lötbodal south of Gnesta has received a lot of attention.

The forest has been affected by spruce bark beetle infestation and some trees have been cut down.

In order to solve the problems in the long term, the Green Party wants Lötbodalsskogen to become a nature reserve. And several parties think it is a good idea, including the Social Democrats, one of the two ruling parties in Gnesta. But the Moderates, who are the other party in the minority government, do not think it is a good idea at all.

Strong support in Gnesta

And they are backed by the Center Party, which has a strong foothold in Gnesta. In the last election, they received over 16 percent of the votes here.

The Green Party’s support is also unusually strong in Gnesta. Here, they received almost seven percent of the votes in the 2018 municipal election, which makes the municipality the Green Party’s strongest stronghold in Sörmland.

The question of whether Lötbodalsskogen will remain hot after the election and whether the Green Party will have more influence, they will try to pursue an investigation into making the open-air area a nature reserve. Unnecessary according to the Center Party.

Hear the parties’ arguments in the clip in the player above.
