The foreign ministers of the EU countries put together a strict text about Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s food warehouses – Elina Valtonen: Completely reprehensible

The foreign ministers of the EU countries put together a

The EU’s foreign ministers meeting in Brussels are discussing increasing arms aid to Ukraine and the progress of Turkey’s EU membership.

BRUSSELS Russia’s attacks on the port city of Odessa, which have been continuing for the third night, were strongly condemned during the EU’s meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels.

At least 20 people were injured in the attacks on the Black Sea coast of Ukraine the night before Thursday. According to the Minister of Agriculture of Ukraine, dozens of tons of grain have also been destroyed in the attacks.

– Russia’s attacks on civilian targets, and especially on strategic targets that guarantee world food security, are completely regrettable and condemnable, Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen (collective) commented before the start of the meeting of foreign ministers.

EU External Relations Director Josep Borrell described the Russian attacks as brutal.

– This creates a huge food crisis in the world. If grain is not stored but destroyed, this means there will be a shortage of food in the world, says Borrell.

On July 17, Russia withdrew from the agreement enabling grain transport in the Black Sea. The agreement has made it possible to export grain from Ukraine, even though Russia has otherwise closed Ukraine’s sea routes.

– We hope that Russia would return to the grain agreement and guarantee a peaceful way to transport the grain that is produced in Ukraine to the world’s needy and hungry people, and to the world market in general, Valtonen says.

Arms aid will be increased by billions

The foreign ministers will also discuss increasing the EU’s peace fund for Ukraine. The peace fund will replace the military aid given to Ukraine by the EU countries.

According to ‘s information, a fund of 20 billion is being set aside for Ukraine to cover its military needs for the next four years.

According to Valtonen, Finland has a positive attitude towards increasing the support allocated to Ukraine.

– In principle, Finland has a very positive attitude towards the continuation of Ukraine’s support and strengthening its basis and making it long-term.

Director of External Relations Borrell also spoke in favor of long-term support. However, he did not want to comment on the publicly available information about the size of the fund.

Turkey is raising its profile

The foreign ministers will also discuss the progress of Turkey’s EU membership process. Turkey was accepted as an EU candidate country in 1999, but its membership application has not progressed in recent years.

The background is, among other things, concerns related to human rights and the status of the media. Turkey’s tense relations with EU members Greece and Cyprus have also slowed down the process.

However, Turkey’s EU process became the focus of new attention at the Vilnius NATO summit, when Sweden undertook to promote Turkey’s EU membership as part of the agreement reached with Turkey on the acceptance of Sweden’s NATO membership.

The EU has also hoped for a discussion on relations with Turkey after the presidential elections held in May, which the long-time president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won.

The acceptance of Ukraine as an EU candidate country has also changed the dynamics related to EU membership in Europe.

– Ukraine’s candidacy will speed up the process in the Western Balkans. Of course, Turkey wants to be involved in this development, says Director of Foreign Affairs Borrell.

However, according to Foreign Minister Valtonen, there are still many obstacles in the way of Turkey’s EU membership.

– In recent years, we haven’t really gone in a direction that would at least easily enable the membership process to be restarted.

However, according to him, it is possible to strengthen cooperation between the EU and Turkey in many areas. Among other things, Turkey has hoped for visa freedom with the EU and the updating of the customs union between Turkey and the EU.
