The Foreign Minister was asked about the Turkey Agreement in the Foreign Affairs Committee

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The agreement that was signed last week and made Turkey accept Sweden and Finland’s applications to NATO was met with harsh criticism from the V and MP. They demanded that the Foreign Minister come to the Foreign Affairs Committee and answer questions.

On the way to the meeting, Ann Linde repeated the government’s message on the issue of deportations.

– There is no list in the agreement, or to the government, however, extradition requests are continuously received from Turkey and from other countries to Sweden. Says Ann Linde and continues.

– These inquiries will then be processed in accordance with Swedish legislation. If you are a Swedish citizen, you cannot be extradited.

The Left Party remains critical and believes that the agreement in the long run will mean more deportations to Turkey and more rejections of applications for residence permits in Sweden.

– It is written straight out in the text that Turkish evidence should be used in Swedish courts, that it has a high evidential value and that you should work more integrated with each other to increase deportations to Turkey. It will be very difficult to honor the agreement without deporting more people to Turkey, says Håkan Svenneling (V) to SVT after the meeting held on Thursday.
