The force of destiny and a giant in the goal

The force of destiny and a giant in the goal

In his third outburst of the season, the real Madrid placed the penultimate brick of a building that will remain forever. He needs to finish it off in the final Paris, against a team that is also not without inexplicable feats. Real Madrid and Liverpool They stand out for their titles and their mystique. Next to bayern, are the two teams that do not tremble when saying we are Madrid, we are Liverpool, and you, no. This feature has been branded generation after generation and provides advantages that seem inexplicable, but they are not. When Madrid repeats its triple somersault so many times and comes out of the stunt alive, it is useless to appeal to fortune. He does it because he feels he owns an intangible asset that others do not have. Furthermore, they know who has this inconceivable advantage and cannot escape terror.

After the game with Manchester Cityafter midnight, hundreds of fans descended on The Castilian to go to the square Cybele. They went down to the cry of champions! champions!, in a state of transfiguration, anointed by the third miracle in the Bernabeu. The deletions of PSG and Chelsea they left an indelible mark, but the match with City overcame all previous difficulties. This time, Madrid was as eliminated in the second half as then, with an added clock problem. There was no material time not to come back from the tie, but to match it.

City had a two-goal lead in the 90th minute of the second match. He had missed two scoring chances in the previous two plays and during the last 15 minutes he had offered his best version: passes, control and danger. The discount remained, which to tell the truth is a period of time that Madrid processes as if it were an entire game. It turns six minutes into 90, we don’t know by what rule, but it works now and has worked historically. What anguishes others, strengthens Real Madrid.

Two goals from Rodrygowhich writes them down in all the colors on the european cup and brands of all colors, they turned the scoreboard, the game, the Bernabéu and any idea you have about football. It was sung that the third would arrive, and soon. When from combustion to explosion, nothing and nobody stops Real Madrid at the Bernabéu. In five minutes, Real Madrid solved a ballot of care and the vice that most desires occurred: dispute the final of the European Cup.

The fans who went down to Cibeles felt they had every right to proclaim themselves champions. After what has happened in the previous three heats, it is impossible not to believe in the force of destiny. Madrid, which has won 13 editions, has never seen an emotional apotheosis like this. It must be measured in megatons. It drags the team, its fans and football, which once again reveals the many mysteries it harbors. A team that has been with its knee on the canvas in all the qualifiers, at the mercy of its rivals in many moments, found a way to recover, almost always from the chaos and buzz generated by the Bernabéu when the feat begins to appear .

In the argument of the meeting there were hardly any reasons for victory. The first part was balanced. City did not achieve the control they wanted (DeBruyne he stood out for his inaccuracies in passes and controls) and Madrid failed to establish a game routine, except for the search for the incisive Vinicius, who begins to enjoy demagoguery. He does not lose sight of the rostrum.

The best City was seen in the second half, from the great goal of Mahrezthe only impossible shot for Courtois, who was voted man of the match with every reason in the world. In a victory that is difficult to explain from a strictly football point of view, Courtois stood out above the others because he functioned like the goalkeeper that he is. In fact, the least epic and most concise summary of the match can be summed up in only one way: City played better, but Real Madrid had the goals and a colossal goalkeeper.
