The foolproof trick to eliminate the smell of cheese after a raclette or fondue evening

The foolproof trick to eliminate the smell of cheese after

What’s better than a good melting cheese? And what’s more annoying than the smell that gets stuck in clothes or carpets? Here are tips to get rid of that smell quickly.

Winter is approaching, it’s fondue and raclette season again. Whether fondue or raclette, cheese is appreciated all year round. If only there wasn’t that unpleasant cheese smell the next day. Here are simple solutions to neutralize the raclette smell.

1. Use an effective aeration technique: The first thing to do is to ventilate. But just opening the kitchen window is a mistake. Rapid ventilation is much more effective. Opening the window for hours may seem like it offers plenty of fresh air, but it’s less efficient and wastes energy. With rapid ventilation, open the windows regularly for about 10 minutes. Make sure you have good air circulation to replace stale air with fresh air. If necessary, you can also open the front door.

2. Clean with water rather than vacuuming: Fragrances are made up of particles so small that they cannot be captured by a vacuum cleaner. This is why it is recommended to clean with water. The odors evaporate and slowly descend. They then attach to textiles and surfaces. It is best to air out all possible textiles outside. For example, cushions, blankets and curtains. Smooth surfaces should be cleaned with water. This will eliminate much of the odor. Vinegar-based products are particularly effective because vinegar is a natural neutralizer.

3. Make odor traps: Vinegar isn’t just useful for cleaning. Placed in the room as an air purifier, it can work wonders. It captures all kinds of scents and also has antibacterial properties. Mix one part vinegar with two parts water and pour the mixture into several open containers. Place them in different places in the room. Bad odors will be attracted and disappear quickly.

4. Use coffee to lock in odors: If you don’t like the sour smell of vinegar, you can use coffee. The beans have the same properties and many people like their scent. Fresh ground is even better. Depending on the intensity of the cheese smell, you can lightly roast the coffee in a pan then divide it into small bowls. Alternatively, a lit candle in the bowl can also do the trick.

5. Clean with baking powder: Few household products are as versatile as baking soda or baking powder. They can also help resolve this issue. Lightly sprinkle the product on textiles and furniture and wipe with a damp sponge. Leave it on overnight and clean thoroughly the next day. Everything will smell fresh again.

6. Make a mixture of oranges, cloves and eucalyptus: Oranges, as well as cloves and eucalyptus, are also excellent. Orange peel essential oils not only capture bad odors, they also smell great. Combined with cloves and eucalyptus, they form the best weapon against the smell of raclette. Insert several cloves into an orange and tie it with a few eucalyptus branches to a rope. You can hang this “natural air freshener” or place it decoratively. It is not only effective, but also decorative.
