The foolproof technique for an omelette that is melt-in-your-mouth on the inside and golden on the outside

The foolproof technique for an omelette that is melt in your mouth on

The right pan, a secret ingredient and good cooking technique will give you this flavorful omelet.

The omelette is a classic dish of French cuisine which on the surface gives the impression of being extremely simple to make. And yet, many of us often find ourselves with an omelette that is either much too dry, completely burnt, or on the contrary too liquid and unappetizing. The recipe for the perfect omelette, golden on the outside and creamy on the inside, actually requires a little technique and good equipment.

First of all, the size of the pan plays a vital role: if the pan is too big, the omelette will cook too quickly. Conversely, if it is too small, your omelette will not cook evenly, with the risk of being too liquid in the center. We will therefore choose a non-stick pan between 20 and 25 centimeters in diameter. Then, to make this sloppy omelette for one person, choose three fresh eggs, ideally organic or free-range, butter for a creamy texture and a dairy product that will be added to the beaten eggs. The latter is the ultimate ingredient that allows you to gain softness. It can be milk, cream or liquid yogurt!

  • Break 3 eggs into a bowl.
  • Add a large tablespoon of yogurt, cream or milk and the seasoning of your choice: a teaspoon of salt, pepper, spices and herbs (chives, parsley, paprika, thyme or coriander).
  • Whisk the mixture vigorously using a whisk or fork to obtain the beginnings of foam.
  • Preheat the pan over medium heat.
  • Melt a teaspoon of a mixture of olive oil and butter, and spread it all over the pan.
  • Pour the eggs into the center of the heated pan and lift the handle to spread the mixture toward the edges of the pan.
  • Cook, stirring gently with a spatula. Be careful: the smaller the omette, the faster it will cook! Adjust the heat if necessary, or remove it from the heat for a few seconds.
  • When the edges of the omelette begin to turn golden brown and lift away from the pan, while the center remains slightly liquid, the omelette is ready. You can then either fold it in half to finish cooking or opt for a garnish. It’s then time to quickly garnish it according to your preferences: tomatoes, fcheese, mushrooms, ham, tofu or other ingredients.
  • Use a spatula to turn the first edge of the omelette inward over the filling, then the opposite edge to close the omelette.
  • Immediately slide the omelette onto a plate.

As you have noticed, the garnish is only added at the end of cooking. This is why it is advisable to always precook the filling, especially ingredients that lose water, such as mushrooms or tomatoes. Serve immediately, at the risk of making the omelette rubbery, with a crunchy green salad or toasted bread. If you have no choice, cover it with aluminum foil to retain the heat without drying out your omelette. Enjoy your food !
