The food giants have too much power

The food giants in the EU have too much power and a food price commission is needed to stop the rampant food prices, the Social Democrats believe.
– It should make it easier for ordinary people to get food on the table, says S leader Magdalena Andersson.

According to Magdalena Andersson, many ordinary families notice that the household budget is affected by the increased food prices – while the food giants are making record profits. Therefore, the Social Democrats want to introduce a food price commission at European level.

– We want to use the strength of the EU to pressure food prices in Sweden, says Social Democrats party leader Magdalena Andersson.

She believes that there is great interest in a food price commission among the general public as well.

Increase competition

The Commission must strengthen the EU’s work to increase competition on the food market and act against unreasonable price increases for food.

– We want to use the tools that the EU has to put pressure on the food giants and take control of food prices, says Andersson (S) at a press meeting together with the group leader in the culture committee Lawen Redar (S) and deputy financial councilor in Stockholm Anders Österberg during Järva week.

They believe that the food giants in Europe right now have too much power to pressure farmers and drive up food prices.

– We have three food giants that have 90 percent of the Swedish market. It’s not good enough competition. Then the government could use the strength it has as a government to put pressure on the food giants.

“Record Profits”

According to Redar, the Food Price Commission will have three different missions.

– It must act against unreasonable price increases for food, which must include representatives from the entire food chain, she says.

The Commission will also review market influence and financial ownership in the EU’s food supply chain. In addition, it must work for increased transparency about food companies’ costs and profits.

– It’s about increasing transparency so that you actually see what it costs. You can compare it with the price you see in a store, says Andersson (S).

– It is also a way of factoring in pressure. We see the food giants making record profits.
