Bilge Teker was one of those who felt the most severe the negative impact of eye health problems on the quality of life. Visual loss that has been going on for years, cataract and the 66 -year -old Teker, who feels as if he was looking at the fog curtain due to corneal disease, after waiting for a long time after waiting for transplantation Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital Ophthalmology Specialist. Dr. He met Yusuf Yildirim. Prof. Dr. As a result of a detailed examination made by Yıldırım, the simultaneous cataract surgery was planned with corneal transplantation in the right eye. After the successful operation carried out recently, the wheel of the world again with the right eye,Organ donation How important it is, now I understand. Whoever I carry the cornea, I wish him a thousand times mercy, ”he expressed his words. Thanks to the big change in the right eye, both the standard of living and psychologically relieved, the wheel is now waiting for the second surgery for the left eye.
“I was very afraid of surgery, thanks to my teacher, I beat my fear”
Prof. Dr. 66 -year -old Bilge Teker, who stated that Yusuf Yıldırım had a lot of support during the surgery, said, “Cataract was formed in my right eye. Because of this cataract, I started a vision loss. Then the doctors said that the corneal transplant should be transplant. I waited for corneal transplantation in different places and different institutions. It’s been a year, but when there was no news from the cornea, I met Yusuf Hoca on advice. Good thing I knew, thanks. He welcomed me very well in Medipol. He told me that I shouldn’t be afraid and everything would be very nice. This, of course, encouraged me. I was very afraid of surgery and the results. But thanks to my teacher, I defeated my fear. Thank you, my teacher gave me great morale. I was very comfortable that he was friendly and sweet -tongued, and approached me as if he were treating his own mother. Thanks to my teacher, I came to my self -confidence, I defeated my fear of surgery and decided to have surgery. Fortunately, I had surgery on my teacher. I had surgery because I trust my teacher’s knowledge and experience. I had a successful operation. ” he said.
“I saw people in a silhouette”
Teke said that they will have regular checks every month and said, “Now my right eye is very beautiful, I see sparkling. I hope it will be even better, my teacher. Then he said he would operate my left eye. It will be even better if it happens. Before the surgery, I had a pretty fog curtain in my right eye, I couldn’t see people exactly; I just saw it in a silhouette. After the surgery, the fog curtain completely disappeared. Now I see sparkling, thank God. I hope I will be even better. If I have surgery in my left eye, my full balance will be provided. I will have controls every month in this process. ” he said.
“Organ donation is very important”
Stating that people should be more sensitive about organ donation, Teke said, ım I realized that organ donation is very important in this process. When you come on its own, one realizes it better. I think it would be much better if people are more sensitive about organ donation. Because the organs will rot under the ground, there is no feeling that they find life in another body. I realized when it came to me. Thank you, whose cornea I am carrying the cornea, God bless him a thousand times, the place to be heaven. I would like to thank the whole Medipol family, especially Yusuf Hodja and his team. ” He said.
“We made both corneal transplantation and cataract crrahi in the same surgery”
Expressing that the patient’s visual acuity and the quality of vision increased with the surgery, Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital. Dr. Yusuf Yildirim said, “Our patient applied to us with complaints of vision and blurred vision. He had been describing a decrease in seeing for about a few years. We made the necessary evaluations and detailed examination. After this examination, we found that there was a disorder in the transparent layer that we call the cornea in both eyes, especially in the right eye. In addition, cataract was very advanced in the right eye. In this context, we explained the treatment options to the patient and planned simultaneous cataract surgery surgery with corneal transplantation for the right eye. This surgery could be done in separate sections if desired, but we talked to our patient that we could perform in the same session. Then last month we applied the surgical intervention. In the early days of the surgery, the process was good except for the light turbidity seen after such operations. Thus, we rehabilitated the right eye of our patient and successfully completed his treatment. In the next process, we also plan a treatment for the left eye. With the surgery we performed, both the visual acuity and the quality of vision and the quality of life increased. In particular, I think that tissue transplantation, organ transplantation is, and this should always be prioritized by our citizens. This is a really precious issue. ” He said.