the FNDC wants to support the victims of the Alpha Condé regime in their quest for justice

the FNDC wants to support the victims of the Alpha

In Guinea, six months after the coup d’etat which brought down Alpha Condé, the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution has decided to carry the voice of the victims of the old regime. A first meeting took place at the headquarters of the organization yesterday Thursday, March 17th.

The meeting room is barely enough to contain the twenty people who responded to the FNDC’s call.

Among them, there is a father who has never been able to grieve. “ I lost my boy… We shot here, in the heart. He fell, that’s how it happened, in 2013...,” he says.

It was after a demonstration in Conakry. With the fall of Alpha Condé, the need for justice was finally able to manifest itself in broad daylight.

Read also : in Guinea, more than a hundred injured during an opposition march in Conakry

With the fall of Alpha Condé, the need for justice was finally able to manifest itself in broad daylight. ” Since the coup, we have met several times here in the mosques. It is now that people come together to make common cause. »

So the assistance of the FNDC is welcome.

With them, we have good hope... »

Despite positive signals, such as the opening of an investigation into the alleged crimes committed under the eleven years of presidency of Alpha Condé, the tone of Sékou Koundouno is still just as demanding. He is responsible for strategies and planning at the FNDC.

We have seen since September 5, 2021 that the new authorities do not give enough importance to these blood crimes… The objective, at the level of national coordination, is to push the new authorities to make these crimes without a priority. »

The FNDC has identified more than 400 victims and given the scale of the case, the organization recognizes that it needs support.

Read also in Guinea, the FNDC publishes its list of victims during the repression of demonstrations
