The flood engulfed southern Austria – clearing underway in several cities | Foreign countries

The flood engulfed southern Austria clearing underway in several

More rain is expected today and tomorrow.

Heavy rains caused devastating floods in various parts of Austria over the weekend. The state of Styria in the south-eastern part of the country has suffered the worst.

Based on eyewitness videos, one of the worst hit towns is Deutschfeistritz, just northwest of the Styrian capital Graz. The flood rose suddenly in the Mur river and its tributary in Übelbach on the night between Saturday and Sunday.

– In such a situation, you feel helpless. Normally, the tributary is just a cute stream and what happened now is unbelievable, said the Deutschfeistritz resident Peter Hofmeister For Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF.

According to ORF, about 150 houses in Deutschfeistritz suffered flood damage. Dozens of people have had to be rescued from houses that threaten to be destroyed by landslides.

Some had to leave their homes in the middle of the night, like Heidi Brandin elderly parents.

– They were scared, but they are now with me and we have been able to get medicine and clothes, Brand said to ORF.

In Styria, 2,500 firefighters have been involved in rescue and clearance work. Firefighters have told ORF that such devastating floods have not been seen in the area for 40 years.

It only takes a moment to clean up.

The Austrian Meteorological Institute predicts new rains for Monday and Tuesday. Also in Germany, at the foot of the Alps, there are warnings of rain, which may worsen the flood situation in the rivers of southern Germany at the beginning of the week.

