Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi were released from Iranian prison after they were exchanged for Hamid Noury, convicted of gross violations of international law.
At 21.20 last Saturday they landed at Arlanda.
Johan Floderus imprisoned in Iran
Floderus and Azizi in Sweden – the government held a press conference
Iran and Sweden exchange prisoners
Now the Floderus family from Kungälv comments on the reunion to SVT Nyheter Väst.
“It has been completely dizzying for us since our prime minister called us Saturday at 1 pm and announced that Johan is free and sitting on a plane home. It is an incredible relief and an amazing happiness that the nightmare is finally over. At the same time, our thoughts are with those who have not received their loved ones home”, writes the father Matts Floderus in a text message and continues:
“We will now try to land in this and just be together. Working for Johan’s well-being is the most important thing for us now. We plan as little as possible.”
Watch Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi reunite with their families after captivity in Iran. Photo: Tom Samuelsson / Government Offices