The “floating” house in Onsala became an episode of SVT’s Husdrömmar

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

This is what it looks like inside the floating house – in the clip

After just over two years of construction and many years of dreaming and planning, the family has finally moved into their not quite finished house.

The family got the mountainous plot of land in Onsala from Torkel’s father Thomas, and the house has been built with a view to not disturbing the surrounding nature – that’s why it stands on meter-high wooden posts up among the treetops.

Josef Wiberg, the architect who designed the house, is an old friend of Torkel. By Torkel building the house all by himself, they were able to save on expenses. But the construction cost all the more in time and frustration.

– It’s nice to be able to spread out after living in a sheltered house with a dog, cat and child, says Torkel.
