the five major trade union centers received by Patrick Achi for May Day

Prime Minister Patrick Achi unveils his new government

The Ivorian Prime Minister received on Sunday the representatives of the five major trade union centers in the country on the occasion of May Day. All reiterated their demands. The workers’ representatives also insisted on the recurrent attacks on trade union freedoms and the right to strike.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Francois Hume-Ferkatadji

Before the Prime Minister and several ministers of Achi II government, the trade union leaders all reiterated their demands in terms of social measures to be implemented in the country. They demand in particular the revaluation of the minimum wage, effective access to universal medical coverage, the fight against the cost of living and “ the exorbitant cost of rent and fuel “.

But it is in particular against the attacks on trade union freedoms that the representatives protested. Soro Mamadou, secretary general of Humanisme, points to the Palmci company where five delegates were dismissed: ” If professional mediation had been used, we would have saved the wrongful dismissal of the five general secretaries of the federation of a trade union in Palmci, who only exercised union rights. »

For his part, Yves Kodibo of the UNATRCI mentioned the personal responsibility of certain ministers. ” We affirm that freedom of association is trampled at worst by some ministers and business leaders. UNATRCI believes that it is up to the State to protect and guarantee the exercise of trade union activity in our country “, did he declare.

Total denial of freedom of association »

As for Traore Yacouba, deputy secretary general of FESACI, he denounces “ a total denial of freedom of association “. ” Trade union leaders are hunted like game in the face of the total weakness of the labor administration “, he adds.

A problem that affects the private sector, as well as the public. “ FESACI denounces withholding of wages of January and February 2020 of around 300 teachers from the Ministry of National Education for only three days of strike », declares the general secretary.

The Prime Minister spoke to him for about twenty minutes to take stock of recent progress in terms of social dialogue, but he did not announce any new measures on the occasion of Workers’ Day.
