The fish giant promises more than 40 euros for one escape salmon | Brief news

The fish giant promises more than 40 euros for one

An estimated 27,000 fish escaped from the Fish Farm off the Norwegian coast.

19: 53 • Updated 20:01

The global fish and seafood company Mowi offers a reward for fishermen who ask for salmon escaped from a fish farm.

An estimated 27,000 fish escaped from a fishing farm off the Norwegian coast, which was “a disaster for wild salmon”. Telling The Guardian.

The world’s largest producer of cultivated salmon offers a fee of € 500, or about € 43 for each salmon requested.

According to Mow, a quarter of its 105,000 salmon populations fled from a cage in Tromsa in Northwest Norway. The company announced the escape on Sunday.

On Monday, the Norwegian authorities made an inspection visit to the fish and ordered it to expand their efforts to return fish.

Runned salmon causes environmental problems, spreading diseases and parasites to wild fish. Runned salmon can increase with natural salmon and thus weaken the genome of the salmon stocks.
