The first trailer almost makes you nauseous with its action spectacle

The first trailer almost makes you nauseous with its action

The John Wick series is not the only one capable of fast-paced action with a killer on a breakneck hunt. Netflix is ​​now sending its very own story with Carter for a ruthlessly pursued assassin. And the first trailer almost turns viewers’ stomachs with its brilliant camera work.

Check out the first trailer of Carter here:

Carter – Teaser 1 (English) HD

John Wick action on Netflix: Carter captivates with a never-ending chase

From minute 1 the speed seems to pick up. Here, a man (Joo Won) wakes up in a hotel room with no memory. A voice communicates with him through a headset, forcing him on a mission. ‘Cause he’s wired to a bomb destined to explode in the event of disobedience. But even so, he has a lot of brutal adversaries on his heels.

Carter comes across as a perfect example of Asian action entertainment. Just the spectacularly spinning camera, the precise fight choreography and the coordination of both processes already look impressive in the trailer.

When is Carter coming to Netflix?

Whether Carter can match the John Wick films in terms of atmosphere, action and story remains to be seen. The action cracker is scheduled for August 5, 2022 come to Netflix.

Is Netflix still the best streaming service?

Netflix is ​​in its first really big crisis. In the Moviepilot podcast, we talk about the various problems that led to this.

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What do you think of the first trailer for Carter?
