The first snow of the year paralyzed the capital

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

It has rained down in several parts of the country. The severe snow storm moved in on Saturday and SMHI then issued several warnings in the country.

This has meant very limited accessibility on roads and delays in train, bus and air traffic, as well as power outages in certain areas. Previously, the Swedish Transport Agency and the police urged everyone to stay at home as much as possible.

– Now no more snow is expected in the next few days and last night we had time to clear a lot of snow. Right now we are working on what is left here and there around the city and which we did not have time to do when it was still snowing, says Malinda Flodman at the Traffic Office Stockholm city to News24.

Snow clearing was slowed further

During Monday, several media wrote that the snow removal and the heavy snow cover caused several of the city’s snow plows to break down – and the snow removal was delayed even further.

– Some machines have broken down, that’s right, but there aren’t that many and the big problem has been that it hasn’t stopped snowing. The broken machines must of course be repaired or replaced.

Now, however, it is planned for snow removal during service nights and service days during the week when the cars must be moved, so that the city of Stockholm can plow and move snow banks.

Good to keep track of the situation

Malinda Flodman also points out that property owners should remember to take care of their roof snow if they shovel roofs so that it is not left as piles of snow on footpaths, cycle paths and carriageways.

– I thought the work went well under the very tough conditions and we are very grateful to everyone who moved in cars and stayed at home, it has made it easier for us.

If it were to be plus degrees and the snow melts, the city of Stockholm will try to ensure that the street wells are not blocked, at the same time water accumulations occur every year when a lot of snow melts quickly and the water does not have time to drain away as quickly.
