The first serious and violent clash between fans at the European Championships, a policeman suffered a head injury – this is what is known about the incident | Sport

The first serious and violent clash between fans at the

Several media reported on the clash between England and Serbia fans. After that, the information became more specific that those who attacked the Serbs were Albanians.

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The first violent clash between football fans was seen at the European Football Championships on Sunday afternoon. According to media reports, Albanians, Serbians and Englishmen were involved.

The match between Serbia and England, which started at 10 p.m. in Gelsenkirchen, was already defined in advance as a high-risk match. Police commissioner Peter Both estimates, among other things, that 500 Serbians “seeking violence” would have traveled to the Games.

That’s why in the match between England and Serbia, only first-class tickets are sold and cannot be taken into the stands.

For example The BBC reportsthat England supporters clashed with Serbian supporters before their teams’ European Championship match.

Local police told the BBC that the two groups were separated and that seven Serbs were arrested.

According to several media reports, the incident took place in a restaurant where the Serbs were eating. Among other things, a reporter from Sky Sports who was there reportsthat Albanian fans had attacked Serbians.

According to Sky Sports, no English people took part in the fight, although several media had time to report specifically on the fight between English and Serbian fans.

Sky Sports’ reporter reminds us that on Saturday, Albania faced Italy in Dortmund, from which Gelsenkirchen is only about 30 kilometers away. He also pointed out the inflamed relations between Albanians and Serbs, reflecting on history.

A journalist living in Germany also reports in the same way Johanna Nordling in X.

Chairs, tables, bottles and other loose objects were thrown in Nujaka. Even if the English did not participate in the fights, they were also involved and were injured, write the British media.

The German police were able to tame the rampage quickly. You rushed to the spot According to the Independent 200 riot police. The eyewitness described to the newspaper that the attack was “pre-planned”. According to him, “a group of men in balaclava ran from around the corner and started throwing bottles”.

– The violence broke out suddenly. It came out of nowhere. It was unclear who started what and what. But it seemed to me that a group of fans rushed to the bar where the Serbs were drinking. Then all the tables, chairs and bottles went flying, another eyewitness explained.

– They’ve had too much beer, I think. Emotions are too superficial there. We were afraid that the riot would spread inside the cafe, said the 66-year-old Beate Rafrlskiwho was having coffee with his son.

According to The Guardian several bystanders, including an Englishman from Birmingham, and one policeman received serious head wounds. Based on footage from the scene, several people who took part in the incident or were affected were injured or bleeding.

According to the Guardian, the British policeman who was also there said that the events progressed in such a way that suddenly a group of hooligans attacked the restaurant, where around 30 Serbian fans were enjoying refreshments.

At the European Championship, there are also plenty of English policemen helping the local organization. The British police do not have the right to make arrests in Germany, but they help with surveillance tasks.

The information about who did what and what is still conflicting. For example The Telegraph writes, that it was the English who attacked the Serbs. Some of the eyewitnesses also claimed that, for example, because of the attackers’ tattoos and English-language shouts.

– There was a clash between Serbian and English football fans in the southern part of the city of Gelsenkirchen. These fan groups were disbanded. Police measures are currently underway. The background of the dispute has not yet been clarified, the police informed according to the Telegraph.

The police unit focused on English football announced that it is examining the videos of the incident, and if English fans have participated in the riots, they will be subject to curfews.

Police security measures have been strict. Earlier, English supporters had argued with each other at the train station in the gaming city, and the police arrested one man.

During the march of the Serbian fans towards the stadium, the security measures of the police were also strong.
