the first measures for the legislative elections announced

the first measures for the legislative elections announced

The New Popular Front will present its program for the 2024 legislative elections in the middle of the day. What are the key measures already mentioned by the union of the left?

The program of the New Popular Front is now! After turbulent European elections and the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron on Sunday June 9, 2024, the left-wing parties – France Insoumise (LFI), the Socialist Party (PS), Europe-Ecologie Les Verts (EELV) and the Communist Party (CP) – quickly united for the creation of a “New Popular Front”. In just four days, the parties, which were aligned in dispersed order for the European elections, managed to agree on a single program for the elections of June 30 and July 7, as well as for a distribution of constituencies, validated Thursday evening .

The New Popular Front can therefore launch its legislative campaign and will present its program for the “first 100 days of governance” this Friday, June 14, at noon, during a press conference at the Maison de la Chimie. What could be the key measures announced today by the left grouping?

First measures of the Popular Front program

It remains to know the list of measures of this New Popular Front, which intends to counter, both in substance and at the polls, the National Rally, which appeared to be overpowering during the June 9 election. Yesterday on BFMTV, Fabien Roussel, National Secretary of the PCF, already mentioned some points of the program of the united left. “The entire left agreed. It’s written, it’s signed, it will be presented to the French,” he said. Among the measures of the Popular Front government program mentioned by Fabien Roussel, we find:

  • “A pact for purchasing power” with indexation of salaries and pensions to inflation;
  • The repeal of Parcoursup;
  • Creating student income;
  • The implementation of tax measures to finance the points mentioned above.

A reluctant time on the constitution of the Popular Front, Raphaël Glucksmann, who had set his conditions on Monday, participated in the negotiations indicates the communist: “he was with us to co-write, to share this program”. Attention will nevertheless be paid to the presence or absence in this program of elements on the war in Ukraine or on Hamas and the tensions in Israel and the Gaza Strip since the terrorist attacks of October 7. Two points on which the PS-Place publique candidate for the European elections is in conflict with La France insoumise and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Concerning Ukraine, the text should affirm “unwavering support for the Ukrainian resistance”, a satisfaction for Glucksmann?

Remember that according to the latest poll on the Elabe legislative elections for BFMTV, the New Popular Front would come in second position with 28% of the votes, behind the RN with 31%, and ahead of Renaissance with 18%. Could the announcement of this program change the situation?
