the first main lines of the program announced

the first main lines of the program announced

Renaissance presented the first measures of its program in the event of victory in the 2024 legislative elections. Purchasing power, energy prices, taxes, employment, Ukraine, immigration… What does the presidential party’s program plan?

The campaign is launched for Renaissance with the presentation of the first ideas of its program. While early legislative elections are scheduled for June 30 and July 7, 2024, each party or group presents its program in the event of victory. The left-wing parties came together and created a left-wing union: the New Popular Front. The program was presented this Friday. Jordan Bardella also announced the broad outlines of his project if the National Rally is elected.

On Saturday June 15, it was the turn of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to go on the offensive and unveil the measures that will be taken for the purchasing power of the French, pensions, taxation, taxes, on the war in Ukraine, or even immigration, in the event of Renaissance victory. He indeed received eight journalists from the regional daily press on Saturday morning to present the key measures.

What are the first main lines of the Renaissance program presented by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal?

Measures in favor of French purchasing power

This is the essential theme of these elections while the purchasing power of the French has been affected for many months due to inflation.

  • An increased value sharing bonus (PPV). Companies will be able to pay up to 10,000 euros, compared to 6,000 currently, “without charge or tax”.
  • Lower the electricity bill. Gabriel Attal confirms Bruno Le Maire’s announcement, i.e. a 15% reduction in the bill from next winter. This will represent on average “200 euros less” on each invoice.
  • While the price of mutual insurance continues to increase, the Prime Minister is committed to more accessible health costs with the creation of complementary health insurance at just 1 euro per day for those who are not covered by mutual insurance.
  • On salaries, nothing new announced by Gabriel Attal. In March, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, however announced a plan to reduce employees’ social security contributions to increase their net salary. The project aimed to transfer these contributions to VAT, paid by everyone.

Pensions, a sensitive subject for the presidential party

The subject of pensions was also raised, and the Renaissance party decided to stick to its law. However, Gabriel Attal promises a revaluation of the amount of pensions based on inflation: “we will revalue pensions based on inflation to protect the purchasing power of the 17 million retirees who have worked all their lives and deserve a decent income “. The retirement reform project for a single points system, launched by Emmanuel Macron in 2017 but abandoned following the Covid-19 crisis, will therefore not return to the table.

No tax increase is part of the program

The presidential party refuses to increase taxes. To cover his costs, he prefers to limit his spending rather than increase French taxes. To do this, he intends to confirm the new budget cuts to the tune of 10 new billion euros planned in the 2025 state budget.
