The first images of the hostages released by Hamas were shared! American mother and daughter return to Israel

The first images of the hostages released by Hamas were

While the intensity of the conflict between Israel and Palestine is increasing day by day, the world’s eyes and ears are on that region. Thousands of civilians were taken hostage in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, which was launched surprisingly by Hamas’s armed wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, on October 7. Mother Judith Raanan and her daughter Natalie Raanan, who were among the hostages, became the first hostages released by Hamas.


The mother and daughter were staying at Kibbutz Nahal Oz in southern Israel when they were kidnapped during the Hamas offensive. According to The Times of Israel, the duo resided in the US state of Illinois and came to Israel this month to celebrate a relative’s 85th birthday and the Jewish holiday season.


The Israeli prime minister’s office confirmed that Brigadier General Gal Hirsch, along with members of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), took two hostages from Hamas at the border with the Palestinian territory on Friday evening. The prime minister’s office said the Raanans were taken to a military base in the center of the country where family members were waiting.

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