The first hydrogen helicopter soon ready for take-off

The first hydrogen helicopter soon ready for take off

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In aviation, the best asset for decarbonizing travel remains hydrogen due to its low Volumic mass. Aircraft manufacturers are working on this solution which will certainly require reinventing the design and conception of aircraft. If on the aircraft side, we are already imagining imposing flying wings to replace current architectures, thehydrogen is also beginning to invite itself on board helicopters.

It is with this fuel that the CoAX-2D from the German Edm Aerotec, modified by Piascki Aircraft Corporation (PiAC), should take the tunes in the future. The device will be the first helicopter to have an engine powered by hydrogen.

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Classified in the ULM category, this helicopter is already certified with a thermal motor. Modified by PiAC, it will carry a Fuel cell releasing 80 kW. The aircraft will have a battery, a tank ofhydrogen, an inverter and an electric motor. To manage the whole, a computer system will be integrated, as well as a cooling process equipped with four fans. An oxygen tank will also be available.

With this modified CoAX-2D, PiAC wants to make a functional prototype that could help it design its own helicopter hydrogen, the PA-890. A larger aircraft, which can carry more than two passengers. The first flights of the hydrogen version of the CoAX-2D should take place next year. According to PiAC, the use of Fuel cell hydrogen fuel cell could reduce operating costs by 50% compared to conventional helicopters.

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