A teenager lost his life this Monday after being stabbed in front of the Lycée Louis Armand de Yerres, in Essonne.
A 17-year-old, a young man died on Monday, March 24, late afternoon, around 5 p.m. He had been fatally stabbed while he was near the Louis-Armand de Yerres high school in Essonne, report The Parisian And Le Figaro. According to information from Bfmtva brawl would have exploded around 4.30 p.m., at the exit of the classes. About fifteen individuals, armed with sticks and a knife, would be involved. The emergency services and the police were called on the spot around 5 p.m.
Upon arrival, the young man was on the ground, rue Pierre-de-Coubertin, in front of the school. Severely reached the thorax, by a “unique but deep stab” close to the heart, according to The Parisianit was quickly taken care of by the firefighters and the SMUR. “He died after an hour of resuscitation,” said the Figaro. The young man would not be educated in the Louis-Armand high school. On the other hand, it would be originally from the sensitive district of the Hautes-Mardelles de Brunoy, in Essonne.
Tensions between rival bands
The public prosecutor of Évry, Grégoire Dulin, said that a investigation for voluntary homicide and voluntary violence in a meeting had been opened. If The Parisian And Le Figaro Report that four suspects have been arrested, BFMTV says that six young people have been arrested in this case. The facts occur in a particularly “tense” context for a fortnight between two rival bands in the surrounding area, from the districts of the Hautes-Mardelles de Brunoy and the Tournelles de Yerres. For local forces, currently in sub-effective, the situation would be particularly “complicated to manage”, reports again Le Figaro.