The First Descendant commits a mortal sin in the cash shop – “Can burn in hell”

The new loot shooter “The Fist Descendant” is generally discussed controversially, although the number of players on Steam is increasing rapidly. But there is one thing that players agree on: “one-time cosmetics” are a mortal sin. Because if you want to dye your armor, you have to pay for it – and every time you dye it.

This is what The Last Descendant is like: There is a lively discussion on Reddit about “The Last Descendant”:

  • The negative interpretation is “everything about the game is copied” – Essentially, it is Warframe slapped onto the chassis of Destiny 2, but with extremely increased grinding.
  • The positive interpretation is: “It’s a fast-paced shooter that’s quite fun, and it’s free if you don’t buy any cosmetics.”
  • Even people who like the game believe that the current hype will only last a short time
  • But one bad habit is generally rejected.

    Looter shooter The First Descendant announces its release date in the trailer

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    Deadly sin: disposable cosmetics

    What kind of bad habit is this? The cash shop in the free-to-play game is controversial; although you can grind the essentials, the grind is extremely tough.

    However, one thing is completely unacceptable:

  • Dyeing equipment items is possible
  • But there is no shader that you can buy once and then use to color any armor forever
  • Colors can only be used once, then the cosmetic is used up and you have to buy a new one
  • Players on reddit say:

  • “The fact that the Color Pod system is only used once is totally crazy for a price of $5. A real Nexon special.”
  • “The game is fun, but god I hate that the colors used to color the skins are only usable once. Consumable cosmetics can burn in hell.”
  • MMORPG players hate wasting resources, especially money

    This is what’s behind it: Ultimately, a one-time cosmetic means that every time you replace the armor you dyed, you throw away the $5 you spent.

    There is little that players hate more than wasting the resource of real money.

    Like Warframe – only 20 times more expensive

    Elsewhere, the game is also compared to Warframe in terms of the monetization system (via gamespot), except that in The First Descendant everything is 20 times more expensive than in Digital Extremes’ MMO:

  • For example, a Warframe costs a resource that players can use to increase their mod capacity, about $1.50
  • In The First Descendant you can join for $30
  • Nexon’s new shooter is currently experiencing a boom on Steam, which is certainly due to the fact that the “loot shooter” genre has been extremely popular since 2014, but new games are rarely developed because they are expensive to develop and even more expensive to maintain on a long-term basis: Destiny, Division and Anthem were once the future of gaming: what just happened?
