The first Democratic member of the House of Representatives publicly hopes for Biden’s withdrawal | News in brief

The first Democratic member of the House of Representatives publicly

The candidacy of Biden, 81, was scheduled to be sealed at the Democrats’ meeting in August, meaning that the party would theoretically still have time to change its candidate.

20:21•Updated 21:30

Democrat Lloyd Doggett hopes to be the first member of the US House of Representatives to publicly be president Joe Biden withdrawing from the presidential race. Biden’s appearance in the televised debate with Donald Trump last Thursday has been considered catastrophic.

– Unlike Trump, President Biden has always been committed to serving our country, not himself. I hope he makes the painful and difficult decision to withdraw. I respectfully ask him to do so,” Doggett, of Texas, said in a statement.

Pelosi: Legitimate to bring up concerns about Biden

Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi in turn says that it is legitimate to raise concerns about Biden’s ability to hold office.

– I think it is legitimate to ask: Is this a temporary phase or an illness? Pelosi commented to the US news channel MSNBC.

However, Pelosi said shortly after Thursday’s debate that the Democratic Party does not need a new candidate.

– The performance itself was not great, but from the point of view of values, it overshadowed the other type, Pelosi commented at the congressional building For The New York Times.

The candidacy is scheduled to be sealed in August

The candidacy of Biden, 81, was scheduled to be sealed at the Democrats’ meeting in August, meaning that the party would theoretically still have time to change its candidate.

Rejecting one’s own candidate would plunge the Democratic Party into uncertain waters just months before the elections, but experts who commented on the situation to AFP emphasize that the trick would also be a risk for Trump.

Biden has invited Democratic governors to the White House tomorrow, Wednesday. The purpose is to assure them that the president is in full body and soul, despite his weak debate performance.

The public has called for Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, among other things of the New York Times and of the Economist magazine editorial editorials.

Source: AFP, STT-AFP
