The first bronze age village was discovered in Morocco

The first bronze age village was discovered in Morocco

Scientists from the University of Barcelona, MoroccoHe announced that the first settlement area of ​​the Bronze Age was discovered in the Kach Kouch region of Kach. The settlement, which dated 2200 to 600s BC, shed light on early settlements, agriculture and cultural interactions before the Phoenicians.

Experts say that most of the bronze age settlements are documented in European territory, despite their geographical proximity, the Maghreb was excluded from these historical narratives for a long time. The research team, led by Hamza Benattia Melgarejo of the University of Barcelona, ​​discovered the first bronze age in the region before the Phoenicians Period. It was stated that this discovery was of great importance in the history of Africa and Mediterranean.


Melgarejo reported that it covers an area of ​​about a hectares of an area of ​​about a hectares of 30 kilometers southeast of the Gibraltar Strait near the Lau River of the region. “Kach Kouch is one of the best documented examples of continuous settlement in the Maghrip, and tells a very different story that has existed for a long time. This shows that local communities are not isolated not only isolated, but that they are dynamic and interaction.

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Ekrem İmamoğlu Operation News
