the first answers fall this Thursday… Key information

the first answers fall this Thursday Key information

COURSEUP. The answers intended for the Parcoursup 2022 candidates begin to arrive from this Thursday, June 2 in the evening. Here is the key information on the main admission phase of the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate admission platform and the rest of the procedure.

[Mis à jour le 2 juin 2022 à 9h58] D-Day has arrived! For some candidates, anyway. Responses to training wishes in the Superior of those registered on the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate admission platform are indeed starting to “fall” from 7 p.m. this Thursday, June 2. From Thursday 23 June, in three weeks, candidates who do not receive a positive response will be able to apply again for training courses in which places remain available. Important point: the Parcoursup answers will be updated daily until Friday July 15, the last day of the main admission phase. Click here to learn more about how the Parcoursup answers.

Whether they were in final year or students in reorientation, the candidates had the choice among some 19,500 training courses recognized by the State (among which many in learning). Each candidate had to list their maximum 10 wishes (a multiple wish counting as a single wish but consisting of sub-wishes, each corresponding to a separate establishment). As part of the Parcoursup procedure, it is not necessary to prioritize your wishes, but you have to justify them one by one by writing a cover letter for each one.

A toll-free number is available to help applicants: 0 800 400 070

From the information phase to the complementary phasehere are the dates of the Parcoursup 2022 calendar:

  • December 21, 2021 : information phase, Parcoursup opens its web pages for consultation. You can consult the courses available in 2022, and find out about the expectations and admission conditions. This is also the time to refine your orientation project with your main teachers and/or orientation counsellors.
  • From January 20 to March 29, 2022 : it’s here registration phase on Parcoursup, with opening of the file and formulation of wishes. You must complete the various sections of the file (CV, cover letters, activities and areas of interest). Your main mission also: to express your wishes (after March 29, this will no longer be possible). You can make 10 wishes and 20 sub-wishes maximum. This two-month period still gives you time to explore the training courses and refine your choices.
  • Until April 8, 2022 : confirmation of vows and finalization of the file. These few days of “bonus” are aimed at the final validation of wishes, but also the verification of your applications and their finalization, by providing all the supporting documents requested, as well as by a final touch to your letters of motivation !
  • From June 2 to July 15, 2022 : main intake phase, with response from establishments to Parcoursup candidates. You will then begin to know if the courses you are targeting have accepted your application, rejected it or put you on the waiting list.
  • From June 23 to September 16, 2022 : additional admission phase, with entry of new wishes and proposals for admission. This phase is dedicated to those who have only received negative responses, or who have missed the mark of their registration. During this “second chance session”, candidates can apply for courses that still have places, with the same rules of the game as in the previous procedure, but in an accelerated version.

NB: After the baccalaureate results, at the request of the student from his file, a committee is responsible for proposing to baccalaureate holders who have not obtained a positive response an assignment in higher education, under the leadership of the rector. This is the CAES (Commission for access to higher education) of the student’s academy, and it provides personalized support.

The Parcoursup answers must arrive in 2022 from June 2. In order to reduce stress for applicants, the main procedure (admission phase) also ends in mid-July instead of early September previously.

The long-awaited stage of the Parcoursup responses sent by the training takes place as follows: the candidate first receives an alert. This means that he has one or more answers. The answers are broken down into “yes”, “yes if”, or “pending” for non-selective courses (general licenses). A “Nope” can only be issued by selective streams (prepas, IUT, BTS, etc.).

When the number of applications exceeds the number of places, either in the “sectors in tension”, the universities give priority a priori to the applications sticking the most to the training offered, in terms of skills as well as acquired or projects. Each time a Parcoursup candidate receives two “yes” to different courses, he has the obligation to choose one of the two at the time, in order to avoid clogging the system. But said candidate keeps his wishes “pending”.

To be able to manage your admission proposals, consider downloading the Parcoursup application from May 27. As a candidate, you must respond to the proposals within the given deadlines and, again, can only accept one at a time : in other words, you have to choose between several admission proposals, which frees up places for candidates on the waiting list. For you too, a pending wish can turn into an admission proposal. When it comes to managing your pending wishes, keep only those that still interest you. Finally, if you receive an admission proposal for your favorite course, you must definitely accept it. You then renounce your other wishes, and again free up places for waiting candidates.
