The first 2025 update for the LibreOffice office suite has just been published. All editing modules receive improvements, and an expected novelty finally arrives in the graphical interface.

The first 2025 update for the LibreOffice office suite has

The first 2025 update for the LibreOffice office suite has just been published. All editing modules receive improvements, and an expected novelty finally arrives in the graphical interface.

The famous LibreOffice office suite, open source and completely free, has just switched to version 25.2. In accordance with the new semi -annual deployment calendar and the versions numbering system introduced last year, it is therefore the first intermediate update of 2025 (25.2 for “February 2025”), the next being planned for the month August (25.8).

This version 25.2 is already Downloadable from the official project websiteand available for the most widespread platforms: Windows 10 and 11 in 32 and 64 -bit version, macOS with Intel or Apple Silicon processor, and 64 -bit Linux in Deb or RPM package. This update does not revolutionize the office suite, but brings a lot of new features for the main editing modules, corrects many bugs and improves the general ergonomics of the application.

LibreOffice 25.2: Personalized application themes

There LibreOffice publication note 25.2 is particularly rich, and we will give you only an overview of the most salient changes. The first of them concerns the graphical interface and constitutes a major and terribly welcome advance, especially for Windows users, for the visual aspect of the software. A Application theme personalized can now be applied, regardless of the theme of the office environment. Certain parameters were already modifiable before, such as the colors of the background or the lines of the grid, but the theme system goes further and applies a complete and homogeneous personalization.

If you use LibreOffice on Windows, please your eyes and go to Tools> Options> Appearanceclick the button Add more themes (in the form of a puzzle piece) and immediately install the theme Dark Gray Theme. Compared to the dark mode introduced last year, which was summed up to display the text in white on a completely black background, it is day and night. Finally, we are entitled to a real gray color chart which applies to the whole application and makes it much more pleasant to the eye on a daily basis. And as the personalized themes system is open, there is no doubt that new creations will appear in the coming months.

LibreOffice 25.2: New to Writer, Calc and Impress

THE Writer word processor is the module that receives the greatest number of additions and innovations. Let us quote pell-mell (and in a non-exhaustive way) Improving changes monitoringby highlighting the modified elements in the window and the side panel “Manage the modifications”, The possibility of defining a default zoom level when opening a documentwhich goes beyond the zoom configured in the document itself, the appearance of an infobulle displaying the number of words and characters of a sectionduring an overview of it with the mouse in the browser, or the refreshment of monochrome icons for flea lists.

THE Calc spreadsheet is not to be outdone either, notably with the appearance of an option Summary Below Data (summary under the data)allowing to choose whether the subtotals are inserted above or below the data when using the function Subtotalsa new dialogue box for the tool Manage double recordingsan improvement in the ergonomics of theAssistant Function and lateral panel functionsor new leaf protection options for dynamic tables, dynamic graphics and self-filters.

The list of changes for theImpress presentation tool is less supplied but still interesting. We note for example that all the models of integrated slideshow has been improved (images, colors, alignment, etc.), that the rocking state of the numbered and chip lists is now visible in toolbars and menus, And that the effects of gentle contours and glow are now possible in text block objects.

The other modules, namely Draw (vector drawing), base (database management) and Math (edition of mathematical formulas) receive almost no novelty. Version 25.2 of LibreOffice is therefore a very appreciable cuvée, without much upheaval or new revolutionary function, but full of incremental and appreciable improvements. The office automation suite therefore remains one of the strongest alternatives to Microsoft Office, and the most complete in the open source world, although it is not the prettiest.
