The firefighters alert, here are the devices that you absolutely have to unplug in your home

The firefighters alert here are the devices that you absolutely

Too many electrical accidents and domestic fires are caused due to devices that should not be connected. Here are the ones you need to disconnect urgently.

Each year, thousands of domestic fires and electric accidents occur, often due to permanently connected devices, or devices that simply should not be used. These fires can cause more or less serious damage such as material losses, burns, serious injuries and in the most serious situations of deaths.

Domestic fires linked to electrical devices are generally due to:

  • Overheating;
  • Short circuits;
  • Electric overload;
  • Poorly maintained or damaged devices.

Firefighters, with their experience in the field, sound the alarm: some household appliances, however harmless, may present significant risks when they are left unattended. It is therefore essential to have a good electrical installation and to avoid certain errors still too common as noted by professionals.

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Here is a list of the devices concerned. It is essential to disconnect them as a priority.

  • All damaged devices. You must disconnect them and have them repaired before reusing them.
  • Devices with damaged cables. Remember to inspect the wires regularly and to replace those who are naked for example.
  • Overloaded multipleists: when overloaded or of poor quality, they may cause short circuits. Avoid connecting too many devices simultaneously and unplug them when they are not used.
  • Cascade multiple women: Never plug a multi -advertisement to another multipleist.

Then it is better to disconnect certain devices when you do not use them. This is the case for example of:

  • The chargers (telephones, computers, tablets, etc.): they continue to consume electricity even when no device is connected to it. In addition, they can heat up, especially if the transformer is in poor condition.
  • An oven with lots of fat inside. Clean it before reusing it.
  • Electric radiators, convectors or blowers are energy -consuming and potentially dangerous devices. Overheating or flammable object nearby can quickly cause fire. Always unplug them when you leave a room or your home.

Some risks are less known, this is the case of the toaster. This device is often left connected after use, but crumbs inside can ignite in the event of a short circuit. Disconnect it and clean it. In the kitchen, also remember to unplug the kettles and coffee makers when they are not used. They represent a risk because they contain resistance that can overheat if a problem arises.

In the bathroom, hair dryers and straightening irons produce intense heat and can remain hot for several minutes after use. Leave them connected, especially in a room where humidity is present, increases the risk of accident.
